Quirk's is looking for interesting, objective articles on all aspects of marketing research and insights.
Between our magazine, e-newsletter and blogs, we have a variety of outlets for authors. We welcome articles from outside sources. Quirk’s can accommodate articles of all sizes, from short-form opinion pieces to longer-form technique how-tos or case studies.
Contributing to Quirk's
Quirk's editorial team considers each manuscript on a case-by-case basis. If a submission is accepted, we reserve the right to edit it.
- Questions about Quirk's magazine? Contact Joe Rydholm at joe@quirks.com. View the 2025 Editorial Calendar.
- Questions about Quirk's digital content? Contact Emily Koenig at emilyk@quirks.com.
- Send press releases and news items to Marlen Ramirez at news@quirks.com.
What topics are of interest to Quirk’s readers?
- Case studies – These stories take an in-depth look at a successful research project from start to finish through interviews with marketing researchers and the research vendors they worked with on the project.
- Research techniques and trends – Offer real-world, battle-won tips and expertise on all aspects of marketing research. In these articles, research industry practitioners share advice/insight on a wide range of research-related methods.
- Read and react – Did a new book or blog post spark some thoughts related to the practice of conducting marketing research? Share your viewpoints!
- Offer your two cents – Have a response to a current event, an industry trend or some other facet of the marketing research and insights industry? Let Quirk’s be the vehicle for broadcasting your opinions and observations!
Do you accept images, video or audio?
Yes! Please send visuals as separate, editable files rather than embedding them in the text file. For print images, resolution should be 300 DPI or greater. Please indicate in the text file where each visual should appear in relation to the text.
What is the difference between regular editorial and sponsored content?
Just about any topic related to marketing research is welcome in Quirk's regular editorial, as long as the articles are as objective as possible. Stories submitted by/for vendors of research products and services must avoid being self-serving.
Do you have a product, service or thought leader you'd like to promote? Take control of your message and publication timing by visiting our Advertise with Quirk's page to learn about sponsored content opportunities!
Can you tell me more about Quirk's audience?
Quirk's readers are an active, engaged audience of client-side marketing researchers and research vendors. Our website garners nearly 80,000 visits per month. Our magazine, in its print and digital forms, is received by over 60,000 readers. And each issue of our e-newsletter reaches over 55,000 opt-in subscribers.
Anything else I should know before submitting an article?
Manuscript formatting. Please keep the article layout and formatting as basic as possible. Please include contact information for the author(s) such as job title, company affiliation, address (or company headquarters) and e-mail address.
Reprints/author PDF. As a courtesy, authors are e-mailed a PDF of the article as it appeared in our publication (for all digital-only publications, the PDF is only provided upon request). This PDF is for electronic distribution via e-mail or posting on a website and may not be used to generate printed reprints. For information on purchasing printed reprints, contact Quirk’s Editor Joseph Rydholm at joe@quirks.com.
Intellectual property agreement. All authors are required to sign an intellectual property agreement, which merely grants to Quirk’s a fully paid-up, royalty-free, non-exclusive, non-cancellable, perpetual license to use the work. Please request a copy of the agreement to see a complete list of stipulations.
Submission limits. We generally limit research vendors to two or three published articles in the print magazine per calendar year. With our e-newsletter, vendor/supplier-written articles may appear quarterly. For the Research Industry Voices or Research Careers blogs, they may appear monthly.